Tableau Dashboarding (Part 2 of 2): Using a Max Pokemon Statistics Dashboard to Identify the Strongest and Weakest Pokemon Types

19 min readOct 4, 2021


What Types of Pokemon Belong on a “Best” Pokemon Team and What Types of Pokemon Deserve More Statistical Equality in Future Pokemon Generations for a Chance of Being Chosen for a “Best” Pokemon Team?

The goal of most pokemon trainers is to be, as the theme song says, “the very best [trainer] like no one ever was.” How does a person become the “best”? Tons of unique pokemon exist to nurture and deploy on “best” pokemon teams. How does a person decide what pokemon to use? What strategies are discernible to develop “best” pokemon teams? One answer to these questions is to examine the maximum potential statistics of each of the pokemon types. All pokemon have maximum potential statistics. The higher the maximum potential statistics of a pokemon usually means the more potential strength of the pokemon. And the higher the maximum potential statistics of a pokemon type the stronger the pokemon type.

I surveyed the maximum potential statistics of the pokemon types in generations 1 through 8, and statistical inequalities were realized across pokemon in relation to Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses of pokemon combined. What that means is some pokemon types had higher maximum potential statistics than other pokemon types. This information suggests that some pokemon types are stronger or weaker than other pokemon types. How can this statistical inequality affect what types of pokemon to include on “best” pokemon teams? How is the statistical inequality fixed in future generations of pokemon so some types of pokemon stand a better chance of being included on “best” pokemon teams?

In my first of two Tableau Dashboarding blogs(, I discussed how to create a Max Pokemon Statistics Dashboard to determine the highest and lowest maximum potential statistics of pokemon types in generations 1 through 8 based on Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses of pokemon combined. The purpose of the creation of this dashboard was to find the strongest and weakest pokemon types by maximum potential statistics.

In my second of two Tableau Dashboarding blogs (this blog), I want to utilize my Max Pokemon Statistics Dashboard to attain names and values for the pokemon types that are strongest and weakest involving Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined. I will include some Python code to provide exact names of the pokemon with the highest and lowest maximum potential statistics by type. From this information I will recommend what types of pokemon to include on a “best” pokemon team with names of specific pokemon to include and what types of pokemon should appear in future generations of pokemon for more statistical equality across all pokemon types.

My instructions for navigating my dashboard and my assessments are next! Go to the website link below and follow along:

The dataset I used for my pokemon blogs comes from

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Attack Statistic?

The first pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential attack statistic.

To find the pokemon type with the highest maximum attack statistic:

  1. Select Max. Attack under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  2. Drag the left handle on the Max. Attack filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 190. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

After hovering over the blue “Psychic” and “Fighting” type bars, both bars displayed a value of 190. “Psychic” and “Fighting” type pokemon share the highest maximum potential attack statistic of 190. They are the types of pokemon with the greatest maximum potential attack.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential attack statistic solely belongs to Mega Mewtwo X.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum attack statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Attack under “Select a Statistic.”
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Attack filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Attack filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum attack statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum attack values in the view is the lowest maximum attack statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is because each sheet on my dashboard has a maximum attack value for each pokemon type. By filtering both Primary Type (Type) and Secondary Type (Second Type) combined from the minimum Max Attack value on the filter allows for finding the minimum type on both sheets because there will be a higher attack type value on one sheet if a type does not appear on both sheets as the filtering process occurs from the bottom up. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

Two types had the same value in this case. The two types of pokemon with the worst maximum potential attack statistic were Electric and Poison types. The value for their statistic after hovering over the blue “Electric” and “Poison” type bars was found to be 150.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential attack statistic of 150 belongs to Zekrom and Mega Beedrill. Notice the “Poison” and “Electric” types in the dataframe to recognize the pokemon associated with them.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Defense Statistic?

The next pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential defense statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum defense statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Defense under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. Defense filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 250. However, I discovered with Python code that Eternatus Eternamax is the pokemon with the highest statistic of 250 in this category. Eternatus Eternamax is not a usable pokemon to put on a “best” pokemon team in the Pokemon games so I am omitting it from all of my analyses. The next highest maximum potential defense value with a type on the Dashboard is 230. Drag the left handle down to 230 on the Max. Defense filter. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

After hovering over the orange “Steel,” “Ground,” “Bug,” and “Rock” type bars, I saw a value of 230. “Steel,” “Ground,” “Bug,” and “Rock” type pokemon share the highest maximum potential defense statistic of 230. They are the types with the greatest maximum potential defense.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential defense statistic belongs to Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, and Shuckle.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum defense statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Defense under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Defense filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Defense filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum defense statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum defense values in the view is the lowest maximum defense statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential defense statistic is Normal type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the orange “Normal” type bars was found to be 126.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential defense statistic of 126 solely belongs to Mega Audino.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Special Attack Statistic?

Another pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential special attack statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum special attack statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Special Attack under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. Special Attack filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 194. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

After hovering over the teal “Psychic” type bar, I uncovered a value of 194. Psychic type pokemon have the highest maximum potential special attack statistic of 194. That is the type with the greatest maximum potential special attack.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential special attack statistic solely belongs to Mega Mewtwo Y.

To keep this blog a reasonable length, pictures of the Python code analyses will not be provided going forward.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum special attack statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Special Attack under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Special Attack filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Special Attack filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum special attack statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum special attack values in the view is the lowest maximum special attack statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential special attack statistic is Normal type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the teal “Normal” type bars was found to be 135.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential special attack statistic of 135 belongs to Drampa, Mega Pidgeot, and Porygon-Z.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Special Defense Statistic?

The next pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential special defense statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum special defense statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Special Defense under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. Special Defense filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 250. However, I discovered with Python code that Eternatus Eternamax is the pokemon with the highest statistic of 250 in this category. Eternatus Eternamax is not a usable pokemon to put on a “best” pokemon team in the Pokemon games so I am omitting it from all of my analyses. The next highest maximum potential special defense value with a type on the dashboard is 230. Drag the left handle down to 230 on the Max. Special Defense filter. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

After hovering over the green “Bug” and “Rock” type bars, I saw a value of 230. “Bug” and “Rock” type pokemon have the highest maximum potential special defense statistic of 230. These are the types with the greatest maximum potential special defense.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential special defense statistic solely belongs to Shuckle.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum special defense statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Special Defense under “Select a Statistic.”
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Special Defense filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Special Defense filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum special defense statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum special defense values in the view is the lowest maximum special defense statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential special defense statistic is Electric type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the green “Electric” type bars was observed to be 110.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential special defense statistic of 110 solely belongs to Mega Ampharos.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Speed Statistic?

Another pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential speed statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum speed statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Speed under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. Speed filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 200. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

After hovering over the yellow “Electric” type bar, I uncovered a value of 200. Electric type pokemon have the highest maximum potential speed statistic of 200. That is the type with the greatest maximum potential speed.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential speed statistic solely belongs to Regieleki.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum speed statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Speed under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Speed filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Speed filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum speed statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum speed values in the view is the lowest maximum speed statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential speed statistic is Ground type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the yellow “Ground” type bars was observed to be 120.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential speed statistic of 120 solely belongs to Dugtrio.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential HP Statistic?

Yet another pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum potential HP statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum HP statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. HP under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. HP filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 255. However, I discovered with Python code that Eternatus Eternamax is one of the pokemon with the highest statistic of 255 in this category. Eternatus Eternamax is not a usable pokemon to put on a “best” pokemon team in the Pokemon games so I am omitting it from all of my analyses. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

Eternatus Eternamax covers the “Poison” and “Dragon” type bars on my dashboard so I am only considering the “Normal” type bar for my analysis. After hovering over the red “Normal” type bar, I revealed a value of 255 for this type. Normal type pokemon have the highest maximum potential HP statistic of 255 omitting Eternatus Eternamax. Normal type is the type with the greatest maximum potential HP.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential HP statistic belongs to Blissey.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum HP statistic:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. HP under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. HP filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. HP filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum HP statistic and the higher value of the two same type maximum HP values in the view is the lowest maximum HP statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential HP statistic is Bug type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the red “Bug” type bars was found to be 107.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential HP statistic of 107 solely belongs to Buzzwole.

What Types of Pokemon Have the Highest and Lowest Maximum Potential Total Statistics?

The final pokemon statistic to scrutinize over Primary Type and Secondary Type analyses combined is the maximum total statistic.

To find the Pokemon type with the highest maximum total statistics:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Total under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the left handle on the Max. Total filter on the Dashboard all the way to the right to the highest value of 1125. However, I discovered with Python code that Eternatus Eternamax is the pokemon with the highest statistic of 1125 in this category. Eternatus Eternamax is not a usable pokemon to put on a “best” pokemon team in the Pokemon games so I am omitting it from all of my analyses. The next highest maximum potential total statistics with a type on the Dashboard is 780. Drag the left handle down to 780 on the Max. Total filter. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

Eternatus Eternamax covers the “Poison” type bar and one of the “Dragon” type bars on my Dashboard so I am only considering the other “Dragon” type bar as well as the “Psychic,” “Fighting,” and “Flying” type bars for my analysis. After hovering over the purple “Psychic,” “Fighting,” and “Flying” type bars and one purple “Dragon” type bar, I learned these types had a value of 780. Psychic, Fighting, Flying, and Dragon type pokemon have the highest maximum total statistics of 780 omitting Eternatus Eternamax. “Psychic,” “Fighting,” “Flying,” and “Dragon” types are the types with the greatest maximum potential total statistics.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the highest maximum potential total statistics belong to Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Mega Rayquaza.

To find the Pokemon type with the lowest maximum total statistics:

  1. Reset the Dashboard to normal settings.
  2. Select Max. Total under “Select a Statistic” on the Dashboard.
  3. Drag the right handle on the Max. Total filter on the Dashboard all the way to the left. Then, slowly move the right handle on the Max. Total filter to the right until a same pokemon type appears on both worksheets in the view since my filtering method is combining both Primary Type and Secondary Type of pokemon. The first type that appears twice is the type of pokemon with the lowest maximum total statistics and the higher value of the two same type maximum total values in the view is the lowest maximum total statistic. The reason this method of filtering works is the same as the reasoning for finding the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. The Dashboard should look like the picture below.

The type of pokemon with the worst maximum potential total statistics is Bug type. The value for this statistic after hovering over the purple “Bug” type bars was observed to be 600.

I performed a df.loc[] statement with Python code and found the lowest maximum potential total statistics of 600 belong to Genesect, Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Scizor.

Tableau Dashboarding Max Pokemon Statistics Conclusions

So how does a trainer become as the theme song says, “the very best [trainer] like no one ever was?” How does implementing maximum potential statistics analyses of pokemon decipher types of pokemon and pokemon in general that are strongest and weakest to use on “best” pokemon teams? What types of pokemon belong in future generations of Pokemon games to increase statistical equality and allow opportunities for certain pokemon types to be on a “best” pokemon team?

The answers are as follows:

  1. Attack Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the attack pokemon statistic, the Psychic and Fighting type pokemon, Mega Mewtwo X, is a good choice. Mega Mewtwo X has the highest maximum potential attack of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Psychic and Fighting types have the highest maximum potential attack statistic, Electric and Poison types have the lowest maximum potential attack statistic. Electric and Poison types deserve higher attack statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  2. Defense Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the defense pokemon statistic choose to use Mega Aggron, Mega Steelix, or Shuckle. These pokemon have the highest maximum potential defense of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Bug, Ground, Rock, and Steel types have the highest maximum potential defense statistic, Normal type pokemon has the lowest maximum potential defense statistic. Normal type pokemon deserve higher defense statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  3. Special Attack Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the special attack statistic, the Psychic type pokemon, Mega Mewtwo Y, is a good choice. Mega Mewtwo Y has the highest maximum potential special attack of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Psychic type has the highest maximum potential special attack statistic, Normal type of pokemon has the lowest maximum potential special attack statistic. Normal type pokemon deserve higher special attack statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  4. Special Defense Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the special defense statistic, the Bug and Rock type pokemon, Shuckle, is a good choice. Shuckle has the highest maximum potential special defense of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Bug and Rock types have the highest maximum potential special defense statistic, Electric type of pokemon has the lowest maximum potential special defense statistic. Electric type pokemon deserve higher special defense statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  5. Speed Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the speed statistic, the Electric type pokemon, Regieleki, is a good choice. Regieleki has the highest maximum potential speed of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Electric type has the highest maximum potential speed statistic, Ground type of pokemon has the lowest maximum potential speed statistic. Ground type pokemon deserve higher speed statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  6. HP Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on the HP statistic, the Normal type pokemon, Blissey, is a good choice. Blissey has the highest maximum potential HP of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Normal type has the highest maximum potential HP statistic, Bug type of pokemon has the lowest maximum potential HP statistic. Bug type pokemon deserve higher HP statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.
  7. Total Pokemon Statistic: If a pokemon trainer wants to create a “best” pokemon team based solely on total pokemon statistics, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Mega Rayquaza are all good choices of pokemon to use. These pokemon have the highest maximum potential total statistics of any usable pokemon in generations 1 through 8. While Dragon, Fighting, Flying, and Psychic types have the highest maximum potential total statistics, Bug type of pokemon has the lowest maximum potential total statistics. Bug type pokemon deserve higher total statistics than ever before in future generations of Pokemon games for more type statistical equality and a greater chance of being on a “best” Pokemon team.

What type of pokemon will you choose?





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