What World Locations Could Be Most Popular for Travel?
Population, Population Growth, and Tourism Datasets Reveal Popular Locations Around the World
The world is very large. There are approximately 7.753 billion people on the planet as of 2020 (statistic from https://datatopics.worldbank.org/world-development-indicators/). Suppose a person wants to travel the great expanse of the world, but they want to simplify their travel plans to include travel destinations that are the most popular locations on Earth to appreciate the world on a smaller scale. What worldly locations could be considered popular? In this blog, I am going to discuss most popular travel locations of the world based on three criteria: cities of the world with highest population statistics in 2021, cities in the world with greatest population growth from 2020 to 2021, and countries with the greatest number of tourists arriving to visit them in 2019. These criteria will uncover popular places around the world to explore and be immersed in world culture.
To help share my analyses, I created a Tableau dashboard to follow along with (and hover over values) that is available for use at https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/james.stipanowich/viz/PopularWorldLocations/WhatWorldLocationsAreMostPopular#1.
What Cities of the World Are Popular Based on Highest World Population Statistics for 2021?
A city of the world can be considered popular if the city is more highly populated than other cities of the world. High population statistics can define popularity. On the first sheet from my Tableau dashboard I created a “Top Cities of the World by Population for 2021” sheet that displays 10 top cities of the world with the highest population out of 1,170 highly populated world cities in 2021. The data for this sheet was obtained from worldpopulationreview.com. The results from my sheet are shown below and are as follows:
The city of Tokyo in the country of Japan ranks #1 with the highest city population of all the cities in the worldpopulationreview.com dataset. The population of Tokyo in 2021 (identified by hovering over the Tokyo bar on the Tableau dashboard) is approximately 37,339,804 people. The second highest ranked population city is Delhi (in the country of India). Delhi had an approximate population of 31,181,376 people in 2021 (identified by hovering over the Delhi bar on the Tableau dashboard). The third highest ranked population city is Shanghai (in the country of China) with an approximate population of 27,795,702 people in 2021(identified by hovering over the Shanghai bar on the Tableau dashboard). The three cities just mentioned could be considered popular cities of the world to travel to based on their extremely high population statistics.
What Cities of the World Are Popular Based on Greatest Population Growth Statistics From 2020 to 2021?
Population growth for a city is an interesting statistic to consider when determining a popular city in the world. With great growth in population for a city from one year to another, a city could be considered to have the ability to more effectively sustain life than other cities, and thus would become a popular city to travel to because of the encouraging, developing quality of life there. On the second sheet of my Tableau dashboard, I created a “Top Cities of the World by Population Growth (2020–2021)” sheet that exhibits 10 top cities of the world with the greatest population growth from 2020 to 2021 out of 1,170 recognized world cities in 2021. The data for this sheet was obtained from worldpopulationreview.com as well. The results from my sheet are shown below and are as follows:
The three cities with the greatest population growth from 2020–2021 in the worldpopulationreview.com dataset were Suzhou (in the country of China), Rupganj (in the country of Bangladesh), and Xiongan (in the country of China) with population growth values of 9.29 percent, 8.44 percent, and 7.86 percent respectively. The three cities just mentioned could be popular locations to travel to in the present because their top population growth values from 2020–2021 reveal possibilities in these locations of maintaining improved quality of life from years past.
What Countries of the World Are Popular Based on the Extreme Amounts of Tourists that Flocked to Them in 2019 When Compared with Most Other Countries’ Tourism Amounts for That Same Year?
A location that already supported massive amounts of tourists could be considered a popular location for travel. If a lot of tourists migrate to a location, the location automatically becomes a popular place for tourism. On the top sheet on my Tableau dashboard I created a “Number of Arrivals for Tourism Per Country in 2019” sheet that presents a tree map with the number of people by country that arrived in a country in 2019 for tourism purposes. The tree map contains many of the countries of the world. The data for this sheet was obtained from The World Bank and Our World in Data websites. The results from my sheet are shown below and are as follows:
The countries of the United States, China, and Spain had the highest number of arrivals in 2019 for tourism out of most countries in the world with values of 166,009,000 arrivals, 162,538,000 arrivals, and 126,170,000 arrivals respectively. These three countries could be considered popular countries to travel to based on the extreme number of arrivals for tourism in 2019 that already occurred.
So…Where Are the Most Popular Locations for People to Travel?
The world is a massive place to navigate, but looking to travel to only popular locations in the world can give a person a well-defined sense of the world on a simpler scale. What locations could be considered popular in the world for travel for people? Here are my conclusions based on the data I analyzed from a set of world statistics datasets about population, population growth, and tourism:
- The cities of Tokyo (in the country of Japan), Delhi (in the country of India), and Shanghai (in the country of China) were the three cities with the highest city populations out of 1,170 highly populated cities observed in the worldpopulationreview.com dataset for 2021. Travel to these locations because high populations of these cities make them popular hubs for maintaining a lot of people who potentially represent many diverse specimens of world culture.
- The three cities with the greatest population growth from 2020–2021 in the worldpopulationreview.com dataset were Suzhou (in the country of China), Rupganj (in the country of Bangladesh), and Xiongan (in the country of China). Travel to these cities because they could be considered popular by the great growth in population they displayed from 2020–2021. The extreme population growth numbers influence these cities’ appearances to be popular locations for improving life of the human race.
- Travel to the United States, China, and Spain because these three countries had the most arrivals for tourism out of most countries of the world represented from data obtained from The World Bank and Our World in Data websites for 2019. These countries have already hosted extreme numbers of tourists, and simply based on the high number of tourist arrivals in the past for these countries, they are popular places for travel.
There is a big world out there with all kinds of places to discover, but by choosing to travel to only the popular locations of the world a person is able to receive an interesting and informational experience of the world as a whole on a simpler level. Enjoy exploring our amazing planet and safe travels.